Thursday, February 6, 2014

Food Prepping 101

 We currently meal prep our lunch and dinners for Monday-friday. Saturday and Sunday we use left overs and cheat meals.  

Breakfast ideas
- steel cut oatmeal and a fruit
-2 eggs whole wheat toast and fruit
-protein waffles (1/2 cup old fashioned oats, 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Makes 8 waffles or pancakes.  They can be frozen and put in the toaster for breakfast!!)
All breakfast items I make the morning off... Except the waffles.  I pick what I'm eating depending on how much time I have in the morning.
I also always have coffee.  I'm am not ever willing to give up my coffee and the people in. My life wouldn't be happy if I did

Lunch Ideas
-chicken salad sandwiches ( shredded roasted chicken 2-3 breast, 1 and half cup Greek yogurt, green onion. ) or instead of bread use romaine lettuce. 
- tuna salad (1can of tuna 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt 1 boiled egg relish)
-salads with 2 ounces of lunch meat or sprouts. Add lots of vegs.  Anything you want but at least a cup of cucumbers carrots tomatoes you get the picture,  we add like a pinch of cheese and that's it.  Pick dressings that are low cal.  I personally love wild tree dressings. 
-sandwiches with 2 ounces of meat, slice of cheese and load up on veggies. 

Dinner ideas- 
We do normally pick one or two things and eat them all week. It's easier for food prepping and less stress on the mind and budget. 
-chicken breast, sweet potato, and 1-2 cups vegs. 
-stir fries. Lots of vegetables. Some starch. Whole grain rice or red potatoes. 

-Apple with cheese
-banana or apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
-Greek yogurt with honey or granola 
-cheese sticks
-carrots and hummus
-Greek yogurt with seasoning and dipping vegetables 

One this plan we eat roughly 1400 calories. It's more important to know what we are all putting into our bodies.  So cook everything and make everything you are capable of from scratch. Most things are easier to make than you really think.  They taste better and are way better for you.   I make my own butter and it's just to die for.  Organic heavy cream. Whipped in a mixer with 1 teaspoon of salt for 10 mins. It's amazing.  You can't get anything better. 

I personally eat breakfast around 8 am with my coffee. Then around 10 snack. Noonish eat lunch. 2-3 eat another snack. I normally have another apple or snack around 5-6. And dinner around 8-9. I work late so you may need to adjust to all of those things.  It's different for every person. You have to figure what you actually burn in calories a day.  FOr me losing weight isn't as important. I'm trying hard to change the things that enter by body. I wanna know what it all is.  

I've decided to update recipe and weekly menus on my blog. So keep a look out on my facebook if you are interested in actually recipes and weekly plans!!

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